NOT For Sale – One Maine Coon Holder with Bamboo Accent

Aha!! I have found a nest. I will get very comfortable, for obviously this is My nest. MaineCoonHolder 1 72

But wait, there is a human watching me. It must be jealous, for I have never seen it in a nest.

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I will wash. I will wash and ignore it and it will go away.

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This is not working. The human is not going away.

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I must come up with a plan. Let me think.

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Aha! I will stick my leg out. Everything knows that when a cat sticks its leg out, it is obviously washing. And the universal law of cat washing says that a cat washing must be left in peace.

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Hmm. It is not going away. Okay, I will act nonchalant. Everything knows that a cat being nonchalant must be left in peace.

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Not working. Okay, I will sniff. Everything knows that a cat sniffing something is busy and must be left alone.

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This human is not leaving. It is obviously ignorant of cat law. I shall put it to sleep. I will yawn and it will go to sleep.

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Drat! It is not going away. Then I must go back to my nesting.

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Perhaps it will leave me alone and go and inhabit the other nest I have left for it. Then it will not be jealous any more.

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It is seriously ridiculous what a cat has to do to keep a human happy.


The Convoluted Adventures of Cat Mountain

I went to a lot of trouble to get a large, triangular, traditional Thai cushion on one of my journeys to Chiang Mai, North Thailand. At the furthermost corner of the eclectic (and quite frankly, pungent) local Warorot Market, past the water barrels full of strange be-tentacled beasties and over the metal grate gangway where the rats hide, I had spied this, the perfect cushion that folds out into a bed, on one of my reconnoissance missions. On my last day in Chiang Mai, I ventured back there and  haggled the shopkeeper down until I got a price we both liked. That left me with not quite enough money for a tuktuk, so I walked quite a few blocks with it over my shoulder in a huge plastic bag. Continue reading

8. Smudge – The Tree Bear Stunt Cat!

Spot the tree bear.

Spot the tree bear.

Servants POV:

We woke up one morning and couldn’t find Smudge anywhere. Grey hairs were almost instantly developed while running around calling her for ages and worrying ourselves silly that she was okay. Then ‘other servant’ called to my attention a creature sitting very high up in one of the tallest trees in the neighborhood. Sometime during the night, Smudge had decided that she should be a tree bear. By the time we found her though, she looked like she’d had enough of being an arboreal-type animal and wanted to come down. Read it HERE Continue reading